Create dynamic applications that mirror your business

1: Create application

Drag and drop to create
form and application in your way.

2: Apply work flow

Apply your business logic
based on the business needed.

3: Share

Share to the organization and user,
track the process, review, and approve.

4: Data analysis

Analyze trends and bottlenecks with AI.
Measure your data in full detail.

Quickly Build CRM Application

Handling your business with logic has never been so easy and efficient. Create an application, drag and drop to add the fields, define custom data workflow, share to the organization, and the CRM solution is ready to be used. The data is collected however you like, and transferred into your logic without code. More...

Online Reserve Fund Study

CubeDrive enables condominium managers to easily transition their reserve fund study from MS Excel to online application. Engineers can simultaneously work on the fund information from anywhere with any devices. It provides a built-in feature can auto generate reports, forecast future expenses, and track fund performance. More...

From Excel to Online Applications

CubeDrive can also help businesses translate their existing Microsoft Excel file into robust online applications with form and flow. Customers can easily access their data from any devices.

Organize All Resources in One Place

CubeDrive helps business to put all related resources together in one place. Customers can link applications, add tasks, prepare plans, and even add formula to show dynamic information in the custom kanban. Business users can configure their project data in a perfect view with drag and drop method.

Task and Plan Management

Task management provides a quick way for the organization to manage all aspects of a task, including its status, priority, time, assignments, dependency, notifications and so on. Project plan management uses Gantt chart to illustrate a project schedule.

Enterprise AI Solution for tabular data

CubeDrive supports the AI-Powered Enterprise Solution for the organizations tabular data. It enables businesses to better understand, engage with, and respond to customer needs with their dataset at an affordable cost.

Bring all Data Together with APIs

Integrate with existing business APIs such as ChatGPT, MailChimp, GitHub, and Wind to synchronize data from teams operating outside the system. This enables quick consolidation of all data, streamlining the creation of a business data pipeline. More...

Custom Data Solution

Low cost to build

Drag & drop builds custom applications with cost reduced, and deliver faster.
Suitable for different organizations


Businesses can tailor the system to fit their unique needs,
including custom fields, forms, and flows.

Efficiently manage data

Product and data visualization
Tracking and managing enterprise data
Help companies make better decisions

Multiple devices support

Any device, anytime, anywhere
Running on the customer's server with 100% secure customer data

Testimony from Dana Sharkey, Director of CCS

Here's what Dana Sharkey, one of our customers, says about our solutions and services.

... took me a while to find solution ... I love the way you checkout every week ... with portal, it is much easier now ... we are really satisfied the service ...

Our customers